Learning to Keep My New Year Resolutions
It's February already, so I figured it was time to do a tally on how we're doing with our 2022 resolutions. I did some soul (and pantry) searching, and discovered some truths about my 2021 list. Is it worth carrying them through into 2022? I put my findings in my new blog post.
I know everyone makes them, but how many people keep them? I’m talking about New Year’s Resolutions. I always write them down so I can check how many I succeeded at. As I have gotten older the list gets shorter and shorter. So I thought that this year, before I make any new resolutions, I would look back at the ones I made last year and see how I did in 2021.
Resolution 1 - “Try to be a Better Person”
I guess the keyword here is “TRY”. I did try - and I can say that with 100% honesty. This is the important part. However, when all is said and done, I don’t think I did too well on this one. I can recall several instances in which I blatantly shoved it to the side and proceeded to be way too cantankerous. On the other hand, there were moments in which I did get it right. For example, I didn’t lose my temper over bad driving nearly at much, and I refrained from ripping a certain home security company a new one after calling me for the umpteenth time to sell me the home security package I’ve already brought from them - I’m particularly proud of this one. So, for 2022, I hope my calm persona prevails over my loud and excitable nature.
Resolution 2 - “Be a Better Father”
This resolution is the reason I set out to write my book Unlocking the Secrets for Successful Parenting. Part of my understanding of my role as a father has been to examine what has worked and what needs improvement in my parenting skills and in my relationships.
For example, there were many a morning in which Aaron said to me, ‘Dad, don’t think I will do well on the test today”. I would say calmly, “I just want you to try your best, I can’t ask for more.” I felt this made him more at ease before an exam - I still can’t see how threatening a kid with punishment if they fail, right before the test, can be beneficial.
I think I nailed this resolution n 2021, and I’m continuing on in 2022 pondering and discovering the nuances of parenting and applying them at home and in more books. But don’t ask Aaron for his opinion, I’m sure he’ll disagree since his weekday iPhone privileges were revoked :-)
Resolution 3 - “Be Healthy”
Easy enough, I thought back then. Eat the right foods and go to the gym and get back into shape. Nope. Didn’t happen. I actually managed to get new bad eating habits (three breakfasts in one morning, four times a week, became a new normal for a while). I practically forgot about the gym, coming up with whatever excuses not to go and/or working out in a burst of energy and pulling a muscle, which kept me from going back to the gym for weeks on end. And then, repeat. By December I had really packed in extra pounds and even my doctor told me off me about it.
But since the new year began, I’ve been walking a mile and 1/2 a day. I’m using light weights at the gym to avoid injuring myself, and I’ve stopped eating like a pig. Well, half a pig, I need to watch out for those extra breakfasts trying to entice me out of my diet!
Resolution 4 (the last one) - “Be Happy”
I was able to keep this resolution in 2021! On a personal goal level I followed my inspiration, tried new things, set out to create new projects and ventures, and slowly but surely I’ll be reaping this harvest in the coming months.
But infinitely more important, my family is my true happiness. When I look at the chaos the world is in today, and the daily frustrations everyone feels, I come home to my family and everything melts away. Aaron runs to greet me with “I love you Daddy”, and my wife shares with me her day. And despite how long or crazy the day may have been we find a moment to have dinner together. No man, or woman, could ask for anything more.
I’m not going to add any new resolutions for 2022. Instead, I’ll continue to grow and improve on these, and hopefully, I’ll ace #1 and #3.
How to Stop Hating Being a Parent
Is parenting giving you bad hair days every day? Are you out of patience even before the next fighting over toys starts? Do you feel like crying at the sight of wall cleaning products? My six short tips should help you face your parenting feelings and guide you to a better relationship with yourself and your kids.
Six tips for learning to deal with our negative parenting emotions
The expectations of what succesful parenting needs to be puts unnecessary pressure on an already difficult job. The six tips I share in this ebook will help you put your conflicted emotions and guilty feelings in perspective... and leave them behind for good!
Let’s face it: parenting sometimes sucks—big time.
I’m not even talking about dried-out spaghetti snuck under a sofa cushion or the dog eating the Lego pieces because the kids didn’t put away their toys properly. Nor am I referring to lack of sleep because of endless glass-of-water runs or checking under the bed for monsters.
If you’re like me, you’ll probably entertain one or two fantasies about signing up to go on the one-way ticket to Mars or winning the lottery and disappearing to the most remote Pacific island. And if you’re like me, the fantasies last a few minutes before we bring ourselves back to reality, feeling guilty about our daydreams of escape.
Yeah, the problem is not the sticky everything nor the way the super positive Kindergarten teacher, a covert patronizer, dismisses your warnings about the Tasmanian devil you’re dropping into their hands. (Their problem now for the next few hours, they’ll find out soon enough, right?).
Yeah, yeah. I know. That super positive Kindergarten teacher is only doing her job.
So, nope. These frustrating things are only the hairs that’ll break the camel’s back but are seldom the source for the real inner-conflict parents often experience regarding their children. We parents get dragged into that well of regret and exasperation when we encounter unmet expectations about our parenting experience. Yup, you and I have a deep-down fear that we’re doing a shitty job with the whole mom/dad role and throw in the towel on the entire parenthood shebang, if only in our minds.
The crazy thing I’ve come to recognize is that these expectations are not necessarily the many society and law have imposed on parents, which we need, even if our great-grandparents are turning in their graves over the end of corporal punishment. Instead, these expectations are beliefs we’ve come to construct for ourselves based on what others tell us, on what we’ve experienced ourselves, from reading lame parenting guides and watching too many and conflicting advice programs on the Internet.
Authoritarian parents operate in the “it’s my way or the high way” principle.
For example, one source tells you that being an authoritarian will make your kid successful on all fronts, while another source advocates for gentle parenting. You read both books, absorb what makes sense to you, and somehow, you form a hybrid version of both styles. If you’re lucky and have a grip on kids and home life plus a 100% understanding of your own needs, you might come up with the perfect solution to parenting, and you know what? Heck, you might want to publish your own guide! (If this is you, you can stop reading now and send me an email, I want you on my podcast.)
If you’re like me, you’ve read both books (and maybe a dozen mommy blog articles). Unfortunately, you probably got confused by all the opinions and ended up leaning to what you recognized most from your own experience, with a dash of techniques you were able to grasp from books, guides, and videos. We don’t realize that each parenting guide, or article we read, or parenting video we watch is built around its own set of expectations. So you’re not only adding a method to your toolkit, but you’re also acquiring hopes and expectations for an outcome.
Mom. Dad. Some days you’re not going to be a happy parent. You’re just not.
Or perhaps you encounter moments as a parent that you resent your own children. You might even find yourself hating them, and then you feel horrible about these feelings because you love them so much. Well, despite what you might believe, this is very common and happens to most parents. It’s called ambivalence, and most psychotherapists address it in their practices. First explored and exposed by influential analyst and pediatrician Donald Winnicott, he openly invited his patients to express their true feeling about their children. This tactic often led them to confront their negative emotions about their kids and thus refrain from any aggressive impulses. His idea of the “good enough” parent is used today by psychoanalysts everywhere. (Interested in reading more about ambivalence? There is an excellent article by writer Edward Marriott, When a bough breaks.)
“Hostility can also be triggered when we are made to face things we’d rather not. And few roles in life do this with as much relentless consistency as parenting. ”
I’ve come to see very clearly how my expectations about parenting have influenced, in a less-than-a positive way, my role as a parent. So now, at 72 years old and in my third go around as a dad, I want to share six ways to fool-proof yourself from creating this mental and emotional trap and ending up with a bagful of bad feelings.
My Six Tips on How to Stop Hating Being a Parent
Kids come with pre-wired instructions to be messy, sticky, and dirty - Eventually, they may, or may not, learn the importance of cleanliness. You’ve tried non-stop to teach them, but it may or may not take. Guess what? Either way, letting this reflect on your ability to parent is somewhat silly, so don’t take lip from anyone saying otherwise. Instead, invite those who find fault to take a seat on the sofa with the crusted-over spaghetti or let your kids bring them a sticky glass of water. Then laugh, laugh, laugh.
You need to be your Number 1 - if you can’t be good to yourself, there’s no way you’ll be able to be good to your significant other or your kids. As parents, we prioritize our children; that’s a given. Dropping them to a second place is not what I’m talking about here. Regardless of what’s going on in your busy daily life, you have to make quality time for yourself. It doesn’t mean you necessarily need to go to a spa or hit the happy hour karaoke, although this helps; it could also be having meaningful time with your kids, significant other, friends, etc. It needs to be something that makes you feel good about yourself, recharged. Something that truly makes you say, “Well, slap my thigh! That made my day!” And do this daily.
Everything you know about parenting is right and wrong at the same time - each parent/child relationship is unique, and so are the ways kids will get their fingers stuck in the darnest of places (btw, dishwashing soap and Vaseline tend to work most of the time). Trying to raise happy, successful kids that are kind and empathetic, amazing at math and grammar, are mindful and caring, clean their bedrooms without prompting, and wash their hands before touching anything they might make grimy is a great goal. However, pushing to get kids to be all this is a recipe for dissatisfaction and frustration. In short, you’re setting yourself up, and them, for failure.
Take each and every piece of advice with a grain of salt - maybe some come from modern parenting techniques, others are supposed to be tried and true wisdom. Regardless of origin, until you find a set of rules you can call your own, consider all advice suspect. What are the motives? What kind of end results are they trying to achieve? Is it really about good parenting or about passing judgment on what they perceive to be flaws in your parenting? I’m not saying to disregard them outright. I mean, the advice about not running with scissors or chainsaws is still a solid one. Get into the habit of researching advice and don’t take it at face value.
You can’t fix everything in your kid’s life - hard as we try to prevent it, your kid is going to get his knees bloodied at some point, she’s going to experience anger and pain when her best friend dumps her, screams at you that they hate you. These are “parenting sucks” moments for sure, and it’s easy to cave into our getaway-from-it-all fantasies or throw ourselves under the bus and decide we must be bad parents. Well, I got one for you: as parents, we can’t stop many things from happening to our kids, and it hurts. Yet, we can’t live, or have them live, permanently fearing the unknown only to protect ourselves from heartache. Living brings about wear and tear, and a fully lived life has the scars and badges to prove it.
Drop. Your. Expectations. - I cannot say this enough times. Expectations are always the culprit behind every bad hair day, even if it doesn’t seem apparent at first. If you think standing in the post office line with a screaming two-year-old is a bad situation, wait until you start turning the screw on yourself and automatically internalize the moment as a parenting failure for being unable to quiet the kid. Don’t do this to yourself; it’s bullshit. Crying and screaming at the top of their lungs is what 2-yr-olds do and taking them to public spaces is often unavoidable. While you might think (and you’re probably right) that a few people in that line hate you for not getting things under control, take solace in the fact that they very likely don’t have kids at the moment but will become parents themselves one day, if you follow my drift. And bless the sweet older people who look in your direction with knowing eyes and smiles. Their kind words and very presence should be what we all strive to be: wise and patient (and not a little gleeful it’s happening to somebody else and not them).
Mom. Dad. I cannot stress my tip #2 enough. Be good to yourself.
Hating being a parent is ok, and no, this is not what poor parenting means. Yet, if you’re the type who keeps a suitcase made and is ready to bail whenever possible to avoid parenting issues, you would benefit from speaking with someone who can help you figure things out, preferably a professional - my 2 cents.
Otherwise, you’re probably like me, a parent who knows and understands that children are a lifelong commitment; like diamonds, they are forever. I already know from having grown children and an 8 yr old that good parenting is not about perfect results. Kids are not trophies to show off to other parents.
Parenting means getting dirty, being exhausted, and receiving little if any gratitude or recognition for your daily efforts. And you know what? It’s in the job description. So letting go of what perfect parents and kids need to be like is the greatest gift you can give yourself and your kids right now.
The iPhone
Parents are not the only ones getting distracted by their use of smartphones. It seems technology meant to bring us closer could easily separate us.
As every parenting guide and book will tell you, parenting is not easy.
First, you can’t categorize kids because every child is different. There’s no such thing as “Kids - Operation Manual”, and no matter how much your kid is a Taurus or a Leo he or she is going to break that mold too,
Parenting still has to change from child to child and as they age because you can't treat your 6-year-old child the same way now that he is 8. And if you try, they’ll make a point of reminding you of the fact.
Parents aren’t born, they are made. I’ve made it a habit to observe other parents and how they interact with their own children. It helps me and it’s a great learning (and free, for the most part) experience. Some of these learning moments are so powerful they are galvanizing.
I remember I was with Aaron at a restaurant, he was about 3-years-old at the time and I was still the center of his Universe (Ah! A great age! I miss those days.)
We were playing games before we got our food. We counted sugar packs then I’d try some simple math by taking two packs and adding another pack and asking him how many packs we had in total… You get the gist of it, I was trying to make everything we did fun while helping him learn new stuff.
I noticed there was another father and a son sitting next to us. His child was about the same age as Aaron.
To be honest I had been so focused on playing with Aaron I’d barely glanced in their direction. But when their food was served they caught my full attention.
I saw how the father got up and walked closer to his son and proceeded to help the boy with cutting his food into small-sized bites.That’s very sensible, I thought to myself, since I had done the same for Aaron when they served our food. He cut slowly and deliberately, making sure all the bites were roughly the same size and then, with precision, positioned the plate in front of his child, the fork ready to be grabbed from the plate.
Admirable!, I thought. How meticulous! My waffle cutting is definitely more in line with Picasso. I was watching with mounting curiosity as the man sat himself down across from son. He then picked up his iPhone and… that’s all he did from that point on. He just played with his phone and paid no attention to the little boy. There was no interaction between Father and Son.
I was shocked and angered and not able to conceal it very well. I made weird noises, dropped a fork on the floor, all in all trying to get this man’s attention so I could give him an admonishment or, at the very least, a disapproving look. But still the man remained glued to his phone’s screen - although I suspect he was just avoiding me.
I took a last glance at that sad image of the kid eating his meal quietly while his Dad read emails or whatever, and I promised myself I would never go out with Aaron and use my phone. I was adamant that, if Aaron and I go out, it’s so that I can spend the time with him, be there for him, be present. And I’ve kept this promise since.
Of course, Aaron doesn’t believe it applies to him since he didn’t actually promise anything. So, ironically, when we go out now I’m the one who eats his meal quietly while Aaron is on his iPhone playing games and chatting with friends.
The iPhone/Android/Whatever: damned if you do, damned if you don’t.